Lithium Battery Services | Golf Cart Lithium Battery | Battery Service

Our newest golf cart repair and services website, Key Biscayne Golf Cart Repair, offers a variety of cart services. Among these are various types of lithium battery services, including installing a lithium battery system, and performing maintenance on a lithium battery that has an issue such as reduced driving time, fault lights coming on, or not charging when plugged in. These are all issues that our highly-trained team of technicians and mechanics can diagnose and repair, with quick service time and affordable pricing.
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If you’ve been having any issues with your lithium battery system, such as reduced driving time, not charging when plugged in, or fault lights coming on, you can use our contact page to get in touch with us to arrange for a diagnosis and repair. For more on our lithium battery services, check out our lithium repair page on our repair site.

Lithium Battery Services Upgrade

Converting from a lead-acid battery system to a lithium battery system comes with a several benefits, and our lithium battery services team can provide. The most common type of golf cart batteries are lead-acid, usually coming in a set of 6 or 8. However, they have several disadvantages compared to lithium batteries – they are much heavier, have a shorter lifespan, and have much less driving range. Listed below are some of the many benefits that come with upgrading a golf cart to a lithium battery system.

lithium battery services, golf cart lithium battery, battery service

Longer Lifespan: Lithium batteries can last for upwards of 10 years or more, while lead-acid batteries typically only last around 2 to 3 years when the cart is driven regularly. The driving range of lithium batteries can also increase with the more charging cycles it goes through during its lifespan.

Faster Charging Time: A lithium battery can recharge from a very low percentage to full in just about 5 hours, while lead-acid batteries can take up to 18 hours to fully recharge if they are very low. If run down too low, lead-acid batteries may not even be able to recharge with a regular charging cable. Lithium batteries can be run down to as low as 5% and still bounce back in just a few hours, with nothing more than a regular charging cable and a regular 110V house outlet.

Less Weight: Most lithium batteries typically weigh around 70 to 100 pounds, and only require one to power the cart. Lead-acid batteries can weigh around 50-60 pounds each, and when there’s a set of 6 or 8, it can add up to 400 pounds of extra weight to the golf cart. Installing a lithium battery will take off much of that weight, and can possibly allow your cart to drive faster, as it’s not weighed down as much.

No Maintenance: Unlike lead-acid batteries, which need to be refilled with distilled water every few months and have their terminals cleaned of corrosion, lithium batteries are sealed and do not require any maintenance. For seasonal residents who leave their carts in storage for several months at a time, a lithium battery will keep most of its charge as well, while lead-acid batteries will discharge over a period of many months without use.

Environmentally Friendly: Lithium batteries do not contain the same hazardous chemicals, such as lead and sulfuric acid, that lead-acid batteries do, and do not run the risk of giving off dangerous fumes when plugged in to charge.

Posted in Golf Cart Batteries.